Applies formatting to an object to align it appropriately.

For numerics, strictly rounds to d decimal places and lines up the decimal by adding appropriate whitespace. The use of d will be taken as the exact number of decimal places. Many other number formatting functions take arguments as "suggestions" only (e.g. options("digits")) or use multiple ways of defining length of output (e.g. significant figures and decimal places concurrently)

justify(x, ...)

# S3 method for numeric
justify(x, d = 3, ...)

# S3 method for character
justify(x, align = "left", na.rm = TRUE, ...)

# S3 method for logical
justify(x, form = "short", case = "upper", align = "left", na.rm = TRUE, ...)

# S3 method for factor
justify(x, ..., numeric = F)

# S3 method for default
justify(x, ...)



object to be justified


further arguments passed to or from other methods


explicit number of decimal places.


"left", "right" or "centre" (or just "l", "r" or "c") to indicate which alignment to apply.


should NAs (or NaNs) be kept


should logical be printed in "long" format ("TRUE" and "FALSE"), "short" format ("T" or "F") or "numeric" format ("1" or "0")


should output be "upper" (e.g. "TRUE"), "lower" (e.g. "false") or "capitalised" (e.g. "True")


for factors, should the underlying numeric reference be used, or the level (if TRUE, as.character() is applied, otherwise as.numeric() is applied)


rnd <- 10^(runif(100, -2, 8)) rnd <- rnd * runif(100, -1, 1) justify(rnd, 2)
#> [1] " 5.68" " 8,132.49" " -111,411.03" " 0.76" #> [5] " 46,936,103.02" " -130,832.74" " -0.01" " 1,081.24" #> [9] " -69,125.80" " -46,916.33" " -0.01" " 0.59" #> [13] " 7.27" " 19,753.88" " 64.63" " 32.33" #> [17] " 43,475.90" "-15,624,839.39" " -0.58" " 1.21" #> [21] " -54,379.98" " 967.72" " 5,840.75" " -26,242.59" #> [25] " 0.07" " -418,976.08" " 93,076.37" "-42,476,226.63" #> [29] " 41,217,621.35" " 49.71" " 163.51" " -7.95" #> [33] " 0.25" " -1,170.64" " -75.61" " -207,660.15" #> [37] " 0.15" " -67,467.41" " 0.00" " 29.10" #> [41] " 1,689,438.12" " 3.49" " 4,042.99" " 3.70" #> [45] " 5,009.96" " 0.81" " 12,673,385.60" " -1,516.23" #> [49] " -1,163.14" " 2.71" " 214.91" " -27.15" #> [53] " -0.02" " 405.33" " -9.83" " 0.01" #> [57] " 19.75" " -731.26" " -1,107,455.52" " 33.56" #> [61] " 624.88" " -8,418.18" " 2.93" " -6.73" #> [65] " 446.03" "-12,479,554.05" " -3.09" " -0.68" #> [69] " 19,477.72" " -0.03" " 84,654,793.09" " -0.11" #> [73] " -424.56" " 2,242,603.90" " 99,912.58" " -2.07" #> [77] " 2,399.08" " 1,215,574.67" " 0.00" " 493.79" #> [81] " -343,515.47" " 1,236,402.09" " -62.13" " -1.43" #> [85] " -108.26" " 34,610.78" " -684.21" " -23,257.09" #> [89] " -1,208.24" " 2,016,947.26" " -62,445.97" " 3,104,453.19" #> [93] " -0.01" " 5,727,581.11" "-37,554,419.17" " 971.32" #> [97] " 6.98" " 290,887.78" " 4,701.31" " 11,493.47"
set.seed(1) all_cols <- colours() all_cols <- unique(gsub("[0-9]", "", all_cols)) smp_cols <- sample(all_cols, 20) justify(smp_cols, align = "centre")
#> [1] "lightgoldenrod" " slategray " " dimgrey " " cadetblue " #> [5] " goldenrod " " maroon " " darkblue " " orchid " #> [9] " lightsalmon " " bisque " " lightpink " "lightslategrey" #> [13] "darkslategrey " " orangered " "palevioletred " " navyblue " #> [17] " snow " " darkseagreen " " tomato " " mediumpurple "
x <- c(TRUE, FALSE, NA) justify(x)
#> [1] "T" "F" " "
justify(x, "long", "lower", "right")
#> [1] " true" "false" " "
justify(x, form = "long", align = "centre")
#> [1] "TRUE " "FALSE" " "
justify(x, form = "numeric")
#> [1] "1" "0" " "
justify(x, na.rm = TRUE)
#> [1] "T" "F" " "