Creates a sequence number for each set of overlapping intervals

time_overlap(start, end)



start of the interval. Can be date or numeric, but must be the same as end


end of the interval. Can be date or numeric, but must be the same as start


tbl <- tibble::tribble( ~id, ~t1, ~t2, "A", "01/01/2020", "04/01/2020", "A", "03/01/2020", "15/01/2020", "A", "01/02/2020", "15/02/2020", "A", "17/02/2020", "23/02/2020", "B", "13/02/2020", "18/02/2020", "B", "16/02/2020", "20/02/2020" ) %>% dplyr::mutate_at(dplyr::vars(t1, t2), lubridate::dmy) plot( x = tbl$t1, y = 1:nrow(tbl), col = (tbl$id == "A") + 1, xlim = range(tbl$t1, tbl$t2) )
points(x = tbl$t2, y = 1:nrow(tbl), col = (tbl$id == "A") + 1)
for (i in 1:nrow(tbl)) { lines(x = c(tbl$t1[i], tbl$t2[i]), y = c(i, i), col = (tbl$id[i] == "A") + 1) }
tbl$seq <- time_overlap(tbl$t1, tbl$t2) tbl %>% dplyr::group_by(id) %>% dplyr::mutate(seq = time_overlap(t1, t2))
#> # A tibble: 6 x 4 #> # Groups: id [2] #> id t1 t2 seq #> <chr> <date> <date> <dbl> #> 1 A 2020-01-01 2020-01-04 1 #> 2 A 2020-01-03 2020-01-15 1 #> 3 A 2020-02-01 2020-02-15 2 #> 4 A 2020-02-17 2020-02-23 3 #> 5 B 2020-02-13 2020-02-18 1 #> 6 B 2020-02-16 2020-02-20 1